
The message below is from WFSE President Mike Yestramski, a WFSE Local 793 member and psychiatric social worker at Western State Hospital.

Our current $12 billion budget crisis is in large part a result of our state’s inequitable tax code that relies on those with the least to pay the most. It's inefficient and it's unfair.
After a hard fight, WFSE members received an arbitration opinion vindicating our nine Department of Corrections members who teach Defensive Tactics courses who had been unfairly excluded from receiving assignment pay.


Press release from AFSCME: AFSCME submitted today its brief on the merits of the corporate-backed Supreme Court Case, Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.

Washington, DC —

Bill would bring back state Productivity Board, employee suggestion program

The program that generated millions of dollars in taxpayer savings thanks to employees’ “Brainstorm” ideas may live again under a new bill that would re-establish the state Productivity Board.

The board was suspended in 2011 as a cost-saving measure brought on by The Great Recession.

Taking center stage next week: Capital Budget, plus our priority bills on PSERS, social workers, campus police, affordable housing, prescription drug costs, shared leave

Next week is a big week for our issues and priority legislation.

Here’s what’s on tap for the week of Jan. 15-19:

Monday, Jan. 15

Taxpayer Protection Act hits home in wake of damning audit report on outsourcing

AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) Taxpayer Protection Act may be needed now more than ever just days after a legislative audit report questioned the value of outsourcing state work in the agency charged with managing many business and operational services in state government.

Stop the layoffs, make the investments, WFSE/AFSCME member tells Senate panel on Capital Construction Budget

Statewide Parks Local 1466 member Brian Yearout spoke for all of us Thursday (Jan. 11) when he called on the Senate to act on the Capital Construction Budget to stop project delays and the layoffs of 500 state employees.

“Several of my valuable co-workers have already been let go,” Yearout told the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

Supplemental Budget advocacy moves to Senate (SB 6032)

AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) gave applause and raised concerns on the governor’s supplemental budget proposal Tuesday (Jan. 9), this time in the Senate Ways and Means Committee on SB 6032.