
Months into bargaining with the University of Washington, WFSE members feel disrespected by UW’s resistance towards better pay and benefits for the staff that keep the university clean, safe, and f

When a fast-moving fire threatened hundreds of residents at two state-run hospitals, WFSE members stepped up and saved lives.

Institutional Workers deserve inclusion in PSERS

House Bill 1558 expands the Public Service Employees Retirement System (PSERS). The measure would allow earlier retirement for direct care workers at DSHS and Veterans Affairs institutions. The earlier retirement would recognize these workers’ high rate of injury and assault. Those in high-risk institutions occupations would be allowed to retire at age 60.

AFSCME Northwest Region Public Safety Conference

March 10-11, 2018, Vancouver, WA


I AM 2018


One simple chart tells it all


"The tax plan before Congress is a terrible deal for Washington state. At a time of economic inequality in our nation, we must not increase taxes on many working families or blow a $1.5 trillion hole in the federal budget just to help the wealthiest Americans and corporations. This bill also would result in hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians losing health coverage." - Gov. Jay Inslee

Aicha Danfakha, an attendant counselor 1 at Fircrest School in Shoreline and a member of Local 341, has suffered a terrible holiday season tragedy.

Her husband passed away in October while visiting Africa – before Aicha and their 13-month-old daughter Aminata Kourouma could join him.

TCC SSSU ratifies contract

Members in the Student Support Services Unit (SSSU) at Tacoma Community College (TCC) yesterday (Dec. 14) unanimously ratified their new (2017-2019) contract.

This unit bargains under a different law than most other AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) Higher Education and General Government members so has a different timetable.