Get Involved

No workforce in the state of Washington has more at stake in decisions made by the Legislature than state employees.

The Legislature has control over our wages, benefits, and pensions. They adopt a state budget that determines the funding level for the services we provide. They consider countless bills every year that can have an impact on everything from our working conditions to our job security.

As individuals we are powerless, but through our union we have a voice. Here's how you can get involved:


State employees have the most vibrant member lobbying program in the state. Why? Because we have a strong union in WFSE. Every year hundreds of WFSE members travel to Olympia and speak directly with their representatives. State employees know first-hand about the needs and importance of the services we provide. We are strong advocates for the services we provide. By meeting directly with lawmakers, we make a real difference.

Lobby from Home: Public employees have a right to lobby their legislators on their personal time and equipment. Contact your legislators from anywhere using the action links below.  Know Your Rights to Lobby (PDF download)


No workforce has more at stake in decisions made by elected officials. That’s why we support candidates who support public workers.

  • Union members decide who our union endorses by interviewing and evaluating candidates.
  • We don’t tell members who to vote for; instead, we tell members which candidates are better on state employee issues.
  • We focus on what unites us: wages, benefits, job security, working conditions, outsourcing, and collective bargaining. 


We must take an active role to elect politicians who advocate for issues that are important to working families, like the need to balance the economy, defend workers’ rights, secure workers’ benefits, invest in public services, and ensure a secure retirement for all.

By contributing today, you can help elect local, state and federal candidates who will fight for us and the issues we care about most. Click here to join PEOPLE.

Click here to learn more about 'What is AFSCME PEOPLE?'


Beginning with our endorsement process, we support candidates who support public employees and the services we provide. We get the word out for pro-union candidates in a variety of ways, such as phone banking, canvassing, and "get out the vote" (GOTV) efforts.

Ready to get involved?

Email [email protected] or contact your council representative.