Months into bargaining with the University of Washington, WFSE members feel disrespected by UW’s resistance towards better pay and benefits for the staff that keep the university clean, safe, and f
Affordable housing bill needed for state employees because high rents “are making it difficult for them to survive”
AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) members and our allies countered opponents and made a strong case today for our priority affordable housing bill as a matter of survival for many state employees.
PHOTO (from left): Rod Palmquist, WFSE/AFSCME; Chris Genese, Washington Community Action Network; Tommy Fuglestad, Local 304, North Seattle College; Joelle Craft, WACAN; and Jim Hulse, Local 793, Western State Hospital.
Sponsor of good privacy bill: Needed to protect state employees from “hackers, stalkers, crooks, other unsavory folks”; meanwhile, Freedom Foundation asks Supreme Court to give them access to your date of birth.
In the attached photos (from left): Antonio Garcia, Local 443; Dennis Eagle, WFSE/AFSCME legislative and political action director; and Melissa Kover, Local 443.
Great news. Your consistent advocacy for the capital budget (SB 6090) has paid off. The bill passed both the House and Senate last night freeing up money for construction projects and stopping layoffs. It's now on its way to the Governor.
HOTLINE 1/18/18 On the airwaves and in the halls of the Legislature, WFSE/AFSCME social worker members beat the drum for a program to help these dedicated workers pay off the crushing student loan debt they took on to get the specialized degrees.
The bottom line is a life dedicated to helping abused and neglected children shouldn’t leave social workers in debt.