Our hard work paid off this election year. WFSE voters took down three anti-worker initiatives, which would have resulted in job loss, income stagnation, and fewer services for Washingtonians and elected labor-friendly representatives that we'll need to vote to fund our contract. With a budget shortfall on the horizon, we need all hands on deck.
State employee privacy again boosted by Senate committee
The legislative tug-of-war over your dates of birth isn’t over yet. But the Senate State Government Committee this morning (Jan. 31) considered a compromise bill that like another bill would keep state employee dates of birth out of the hands of the Freedom Foundation and others.
The proposed Substitute Senate Bill 5418 would also keep state employee passport and visa numbers private as well.
Our priority effort on affordable housing moved to the Senate Tuesday (Jan. 30).
Alex Bacon, a Seattle Central College member and president of Seattle Local 304, said all SB 6400 does would be to allow local governments to consider rent controls as one tool to cap housing costs that are pricing many state employees out of their communities.
Community Corrections members ask for privileged communications protections after critical incident responses
AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE) Community Corrections members are often involved in dangerous situations that may involve use of force.
They’re asking for a bill (HB 2611) that would give them the same post-incident privileged communications protections as other law enforcement officers when talking to peer support counselors.