
Local delegates, executive board members, and member of PEOPLE, our union's political action fund, came together on April 27 to decide which candidates our union endorses in a critical 2024 election season.
An engaged membership is an empowered membership. Download graphics, print signs, find Teams backgrounds and much more!

A bill that has been introduced in the House of Representatives would simplify the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program for current and would-be participants.

Across the nation, women are creating change for working families more than ever before. The Women’s Leadership Academy is ready to train more AFSCME women to be leaders of that change.

Introducing the 2019 Women’s Leadership Academy Online, which is kicking off trainings starting Oct. 16.

Designed for all AFSCME women, the academy will consist of four modules aimed at giving women the skills and support they need to stand tall for workers’ rights and increase political and workplace power on a greater scale.

AFSCME members stood on the steps of the Supreme Court this morning to support the LGBTQ community as the court heard three cases centered on the question of whether it is legal to fire someone for being gay or transgender.

This year's convention theme, "The Future Is Ours," came to life as delegates of the 48th Biennial Convention debated resolutions and amendments, created a roadmap for the work we must do, and elected our next team of officers.

Congratulations to the newly elected leaders of AFSCME Council 28:

Mike Yestramski, President
Andrea Vaughn, Vice President
Tracy Stanley, Secretary
Paula Lukaszek, Treasurer

It’s not a secret that drug prices in the United States are rising much faster than inflation. To take but one example: between 2002 and 2013, the price of insulin, a hormone that saves millions of lives every year, more than tripled.

This September, with the help of WFSE activist member Tommy Fuglestad, we’ve taken to social media to celebrate and explore Deaf culture. We’ve learned about how to make communicating easier for our Deaf union siblings, had a laugh with some comics about life as a Deaf person, and learned more about Deaf folks’ perspectives at work.

WFSE connected with Fuglestad to get his perspective on Deaf Awareness Month, being a Deaf union member, and how hearing people can be better allies.