Why Isn't L&I Paying Interpreters?

Many of you have mentioned that you have not received payments from L&I as far back as April 2021.

L&I has been dragging their feet in making payments to interpreters.

Unfortunately, with no union at L&I, there is little that we can do to make sure they pay us what we are owed. With a union, it would be a completely different story...

Interpreters faced the same issue when Universal Language Systems took over as the online scheduling system for the Health Care Authority.

Luckily, our union of interpreters took action:

We deserve to have a union that can make sure we get paid on time.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to vote to make Interpreters United (WFSE) our union and demand to be paid what we are owed until WA Interpreters’ unfair labor practice (ULP) is resolved.

WA Interpreters' ULP, if you don't recall, is pretty spooky stuff.

It aims to eliminate the online scheduling system and bring back the unfair system where a few interpreters monopolized nearly all appointments. It also seeks to deny many L&I interpreters the opportunity to vote in the upcoming election!

It’s time for us to have a professional union and unite all interpreters. We need a union, and we need one now!

Say YES to voting for Interpreters United (WFSE)