Mark Your Calendars!

A small group of direct billers that call themselves WA Interpreters are trying to prevent many L&I interpreters from joining a union.

Why? So they can keep most L&I appointments for themselves.

They have attacked fellow interpreters in conspiracy theory YouTube videos, lied about filing lawsuits, and only managed to drag our profession through the mud.

WA Interpreters have promised interpreters that they can eliminate the online scheduling system to create a corrupt “dual system,” but have failed at every turn.

WA Interpreters’ 1st Attempt to Deny Interpreters Fair Pay & Appointments - FAILED

WA Interpreters’ big promise was that it would maintain their privileged position among L&I interpreters by preventing L&I’s online scheduling system, interpretingWorks, from going live. It went live in April.

WA Interpreters’ Attempt to Exclude Interpreters from the Union Election - THROWN OUT

In March 2021, WA Interpreters’ first attempt to exclude many L&I interpreters from having the right to vote in a union election was thrown out by the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC).

See the decision.

WA Interpreters’ 2nd Attempt to Deny Interpreters Fair Pay & Appointments - DENIED

In June of 2021, WA Interpreters second attempt to deny justice to the majority of interpreters who don’t enjoy special access to L&I appointments was thrown out by PERC. Yet they keep trying.

WA Interpreters’ Lawsuit Against interpretingWorks - NEVER EXISTED

WA Interpreters lied to interpreters saying they were in the middle of a class-action lawsuit when no such case exists. The law firm they claimed to be representing them turned down the case.

WA Interpreters’ Next Attempt to Deny Interpreters Appointments and a Vote - SEPTEMBER 13 - 15, 2021

Mark your calendars...This PERC hearing is WA Interpreters’ big moment. They say all their promises about getting rid of the online scheduling system will finally come true. We have our doubts...

And anyways, what kind of union works to financially harm and exclude the people it says it wants to represent? 

Fighting for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many is not a union.

What We're Fighting For

Interpreters taking L&I jobs want:

  • The opportunity to earn a good living
  • The security of a union contract
  • The benefits of belonging to a powerful, member-run union—benefits like free college for themselves and their family members.

They want to win the protections that Interpreters United (WFSE) union interpreters enjoy on the job:

Pay by the Hour, Even if the Appointment Only Lasts a Few Minutes

Interpreters United (WFSE)’s union contract guarantees an hourly minimum pay rate for 1 hour of time, even if the appointment only lasts a few minutes.

L&I interpreters are only paid by the minute.

Protection from Claw Backs

Interpreters United (WFSE)’s union contract guarantees the right of a payment plan if an
interpreter is overpaid by the agency.

L&I interpreters have to pay back all the money at once, which can be financially devastating.

Reimbursements for Late Cancellations and No-Shows

Interpreters United (WFSE)’s union contract guarantees 75% of an appointment’s total pay
even if the patient doesn’t show up.

L&I does not reimburse interpreters if an injured worker no-shows for treatment or cancels their appointment on short notice.

Help L&I Interpreters Win a Real Union!

L&I interpreters deserve fairness and respect. Say YES to forming a union by filling out our VOTE YES Petition.

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