
As you may have heard, the governor's proposed budget includes the closure of Yakima Valley School and Rainier School.

This year, we took on many challenges to become stronger as a union, protect our jobs, and ensure our families have the best futures possible. We aren't stopping there.

If you're worried about the pending budget shortfall, here's what you need to know.

We’ve known about the budget crunch since June, and here’s the good news. We’re ahead of the game.

Bellevue College agrees to $12,500 settlement for outsourcing members’ work

Local 304 members at Bellevue College have won an admission of bad-faith bargaining and a cash settlement after the college contracted out their work last year. 

The Federation and Bellevue College yesterday (Jan. 4) settled the unfair labor practice complaint over the 2017 outsourcing of restroom cleaning and window washing on the college’s main campus.

In the settlement, the college administration admitted that it failed to meet its good-faith bargaining obligations.

Here’s what’s on tap for the first week of the 2018 legislative session

As we’ll do every week from the start of the 2018 legislative session on Jan. 8 to adjournment on March 8, here’s what’s coming up next week in the Legislature.

Remember, every day is Lobby Day. RSVP TODAY! 

Institutional Workers deserve inclusion in PSERS

House Bill 1558 expands the Public Service Employees Retirement System (PSERS). The measure would allow earlier retirement for direct care workers at DSHS and Veterans Affairs institutions. The earlier retirement would recognize these workers’ high rate of injury and assault. Those in high-risk institutions occupations would be allowed to retire at age 60.

AFSCME Northwest Region Public Safety Conference

March 10-11, 2018, Vancouver, WA


I AM 2018


One simple chart tells it all


"The tax plan before Congress is a terrible deal for Washington state. At a time of economic inequality in our nation, we must not increase taxes on many working families or blow a $1.5 trillion hole in the federal budget just to help the wealthiest Americans and corporations. This bill also would result in hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians losing health coverage." - Gov. Jay Inslee