ACT NOW: Support IT workers

ACT NOW to support IT workers in General Government & Community College Coalition — and the future of classification studies in Washington state!

TAKE ACTION IT Classification Study

Urge State Human Resources Division Assistant Director Franklin Plaistowe to honor our negotiated contracts and pay reallocated IT workers fairly!

CALL AND EMAIL to HR Div. Asst. Director Franklin Plaistowe today.

Why a call to action?

The reallocation article of our contracts sets a minimum pay increase for workers reallocated to a higher paying classification. It also protects workers who move laterally (to the same pay), and those who are downward reallocated.

The employer is refusing to follow this contract language and is trying to say that changes in classification are not reallocations but, a new process with no name!

Their refusal to follow our negotiated contract is delaying agreement on long overdue increases for IT workers. It is time to act NOW. Not only is the future of the IT Class Study at risk, the process for all class studies in the future is on the line.

ACT NOW. Tell the state to honor our negotiated contracts and pay reallocated IT workers fairly!

CALL AND EMAIL to HR Div. Asst. Director Franklin Plaistowe today.


How did we get here?

Our union has been fighting to ensure fair wages and working conditions for all workers impacted by the new IT Professional Structure. The implementation of this structure will result in about 2000 workers being reallocated. Instead of the typical classification and salary range you’re used to, workers will be reallocated a “job family” and “level” within this new structure based on the duties performed. You can catch up on all of the previous bargaining updates here:

What is happening now?

Our union has worked hard to ensure protections for all workers on things such as:

  • Protection of your appeal rights if placed in the wrong family and level
  • Protection for workers determined to be non-IT
  • Protection of your permanent status and transfer rights
  • Credit for your work history in the current IT classifications
  • Protection for workers who are laid off if your previous classification no longer exists
  • And much more!

What happens next?

Watch for updates at or talk to a team member in your area:

  • DeFrance Clarke, Sue Henricksen, Rodney Kleuver, Max Phipps, Tracy Stanley, Lesli Younger, or Beth Mason.